Outsourcing is the trend. And it has witnessed exponential growth. If you see it from the practical point of view, when you outsource to India, you cut down on extra costs! For small businesses, it is indeed a pivotal factor. But that’s not the only reason. Outsourcing is gradually becoming a ‘vibrant pathway’ to drive innovation. So apart from saving on the rising expenses, adding substantial value is equally important.
How effective is outsourcing for small businesses?
Small businesses, in particular, outsource to India simply for the desired expertise of professionals to get the job done quickly. According to a survey conducted by Deloitte, minimizing costs is the chief motivator behind outsourcing. But yes, if your company can manage to create something in-house and that too in a rather efficient manner, then nothing like it! In one of the articles published by The Harvard Business Review titled ‘Outsourcing: Where will you draw the line?’, it’s mentioned how spending a tad more on in-house services that brings uniqueness to the business, can help in outsourcing only for the typical ‘non-core’ tasks. Over the years, most businesses based in top countries like the US, UK, and Australia usually prefer outsourcing their tasks to several Asian nations, like China, and the Philippines. But if there’s anything that remains a top destination – it is India, at least when speaking of outsourcing software development.
Why is the Indian market the No. 1 choice?
So have you been planning to make a similar move? Or is something holding you back? If it’s the latter, then you have reasons to believe that India offers ‘unmatched’ and high-quality services and that too at the quickest turnaround time. Among the many reasons, there’s a fast-developing infrastructure, adaptive government policies and not to miss out, on the hugely talented workforce. For a plethora of projects, India as a market has already managed to display its repertoire for making the best use of its skilled resources and cutting-edge technology. Apart from these, here is a comprehensive list bearing reasons why outsourcing to India will prove worthy for your business.
Advantages to gain from the Indian subcontinent
Talk about seamless communication and you will know why people love India! When discussing the host of plans and strategies that you have in mind for your business or how to better execute such, and when, Indian professionals will guide you through the process in a hassle-free manner. Even research findings indicate that Indians are far better at speaking fluent English than most of their Filipino or Chinese counterparts.
Time zone advantages
Let’s be clear- in business, time is money. So the quicker you complete your work, the more will be the number of people who will trust you to reach your ultimate goal. Outsource to India advantages mean you take the smartest action in this regard – save considerable time! In India, the advantage is manifold, because you get the time zone difference. You can speed up your work and complete several tasks more quickly than you ever expected. So as much as you will expand the business, you will also not risk missing a deadline. Besides, you get access to 24/7 customer care service, which implies Indians are far more cautious about improving customer satisfaction and thus, the overall business productivity. More and more global companies are now realizing India’s time zone potential and the tremendous impact that can have on their businesses. So if you wish to keep up with the big shots in your industry, look no further than India.
Skilled workforce
Opt for outsourcing services to India & save up to 72%. This means that you have access to the best prices and only from the most skilled resources, with substantial experience. The highest number of skilled resources is mostly present in ecommerce, BPO, IT, and finance, to name a few. There are others too, scattered across different domains. India takes pride in handling critical projects with complete ease. Having a skilled workforce and that too at feasible pricing work optimally for several agencies in Canada, US, UK, Australia and Dubai. Nowadays, other nations across the world have also started eyeing India, after noticing the trend elsewhere.
Productivity and customer support
Outsourcing services for small business gives a typical push towards productivity and customer support. And both these factors are indispensable when we speak of 100% customer satisfaction. That way, you can also be sure about recurring business in the long run. Alongside time zone differences, good command of the English language and more, now there’s round-the-clock customer support. All these certainly made India take the higher leap in a rather short period. But let’s not forget that the company’s management should also weigh the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing for their requirements. In some cases, it might be just what is needed. At some other times, the idea might be dropped, but for good reasons.
The very reason why you have taken to outsourcing services for small business is simply because you wish to save your hard-earned bucks! But outsourcing to this part of the world (India) will help you save much more than you expected. Thanks to the high difference between the Indian currency value and that of other currencies (think US dollar), you will be at a vantage point. Indian professionals will handle all your business processes, and that too, within the fraction of someone else’s expenses. Now imagine how much you can save and then invest back into your business. Also, it is important to mention that low cost doesn’t mean low-quality services. On the contrary, you will have better services, and with the right consistency from experienced staff members, giving exemplary knowledge and skills.
E-commerce solutions
Realistically speaking, ecommerce is one area that has grown by leaps and bounds. Outsource to India advantages are aplenty. Think of Amazon and you will understand how the pioneer of ecommerce has set up software development centers in an array of Indian cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune and Chennai, among others. Also, over the years, ecommerce companies have been working on becoming more competitive than ever. As a result, they turned towards technology to gain significant output of logistics, and proficient customer support.
When you outsource to India, you will be mostly at a better position than others. Barring a few drawbacks, India will not let you down! Furthermore, there’s no way to disregard safety and security issues. So if your company has to outsource the work like private information, especially salary, payrolls, and more, remember your Indian taskforce will know about all these. But, you can assess the records of the company you’re banking on, and see if the information you grant will be mishandled or done justice to.
The term ‘Data Outsourcing India’ is becoming far more common now. Hence, you can choose DOI outsourcing services to India & save up to 72%. You can contact Indian companies and professionals who might offer you a quote and you can get your queries resolved as well, before starting the work.