The successful achievement of your weight loss goals will not only improve your overall health but will also improve your quality of life and eliminate all major obesity-related health concerns. In a medical weight loss program, the overall well-being of your health is taken into consideration by a team of health experts which includes nutritionists, nurses, psychologists, and surgeons. The team of Bariatric surgery Beverly Hills will provide you with quality care and support through online information sessions and virtual support groups.
Types of Bariatric Surgery
Every patient is different with unique requirements for losing weight. So the formula that one-size-fits-all cannot be adopted for each and every patient. That is the reason why the medical weight loss program offers you various options for bariatric surgery so that you can receive the type of surgery that is best for you. The surgical procedures are minimally invasive procedures. An additional benefit of these procedures is less post-operative pain and a shorter recovery period. Following are some of the types of bariatric surgery that are available.
Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG)
This is a minimally invasive procedure through which the size of the stomach is reduced to three-fourths of the actual size. This helps in limiting the amount of food intake thereby resulting in weight loss. It also helps in reducing your appetite as the level of ghrelin is also considerably dropped. Those who undergo VSG are expected to lose about sixty percent of their excess body weight.
The procedure involves five minor incisions through which miniature tools are inserted to reduce the size of the stomach. You will be required to spend a day or two in the hospital post-surgery for recovering.
Benefits of Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Reduction in appetite
- Smaller food portions
- Lower risk of malabsorption
- Zero dumping syndromes
- Long-term weight loss
- Elimination of all major obesity-related health conditions
Potential demerits of Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Ulcers from NSAID use or smoking
- Sleeve Constraints
- Weight loss is lesser as compared to gastric bypass surgery.
- Acid Reflux
Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery
In this procedure, a significant part of the stomach is separated to form a small pouch-like structure almost the size of a golf ball. Just like the Sleeve Gastrectomy, this procedure is performed laparoscopically. After surgery, the stomach is directly connected to the intestine, making it look like a funnel. This also considerably reduces the amount of food you eat in one portion. A significant drawback of this surgery is that there is a risk of causing malabsorption of vitamins and minerals.
Probable Advantages of Gastric Bypass Surgery
- Reduced appetite
- Smaller Portions
- Long-lasting weight loss
- Alleviation of obesity-related health issues
Probable Demerits of Gastric Bypass Surgery
- Ulcers from smoking or NSAID use
- Constraint in the opening to intestines
- Chances of dumping syndrome might increase due to consumption of high sugar foods
- Consumption of high-fat foods may cause diarrhea
- Reactive hypoglycemia between meals
- Increased risk of vitamin or mineral deficiency
Revisional Bariatric Surgery
This procedure is usually performed in cases where the need to repair or change a previous weight loss surgery arises. This type of surgery is best for those individuals who failed to achieve the desired weight loss or regain the lost weight post the weight loss surgery. Those experiencing post-surgical complications also require revisional bariatric surgery. Some of the most common complications include
- Ulcer
- Enlarged stomach pouch
- Loosening of Lap Band
As compared to the initial bariatric surgery for weight loss, the revisional surgeries are more complex. Before undergoing such surgery, it is imperative for the surgeon to understand why the former procedures failed. Thus, the patient has to be properly evaluated and reviewed to ensure the best possible outcome.
Adjustable Gastric Band Care
This is also a laparoscopic weight loss procedure involving a minimally invasive incision. It is one of the most preferred forms of bariatric surgery as it is a reversible procedure. The stomach size is reduced by using a restrictive band around the upper portion of the stomach. This surgery helps in retaining the food for a longer period of time and at the same time makes you feel fuller quickly. Although there are no major changes in the absorption process of the food still the patients have been advised on vitamins and mineral supplements.
Depending on your appetite and the symptoms you experience, the band might require to be adjusted. The band should neither be lost nor very tight if it is loosely tight then it will not help you in losing weight as you will continue to eat more than required. If the band is too tight then there is the risk of developing symptoms such as
- Acid reflux
- Nausea
- Vomiting
During the initial months, your doctor might ask you to visit monthly for the adjustment of the band till the right level of tightness is reached.
Risks of Bariatric Surgery
It is normal to be concerned about how safe the procedure will be when any kind of surgical procedure is involved. In comparison to living with obesity and other obesity-related diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, premature death, and sleep apnea, the risk of bariatric surgery is worth taking. Potential risks that involve bariatric surgery are the development of kidney stones, dumping syndrome, less weight loss, and regaining weight.
Bariatric Surgery – Safest Surgical Procedures
All surgical procedures involve some kind of risk. However, comparatively bariatric surgery has been found to be one such surgery where minimal risks are involved. Procedures such as Vertical sleeve gastrectomy and roux-en-y gastric bypass procedures reduce the risks of complications. Laparoscopic procedures use small minute tools for the surgery so that incisions made are as small as they can be. The benefit of such a procedure is that scarring is limited, reduction in hospital stay, reduced recovery period, and decreases pain.