Have you already bought the display home you’ve been dreaming of? Some people don’t know this, but display homes are usually a great choice. Most display homes are well-maintained, and builders use their best ideas and materials in building them.
So if you’ve got a great deal with the display home, it’s a wise choice to take it. But after the fun and excitement of buying a new home, it’s time to face other tasks, such as arranging documents and moving.
Moving can be stressful. However, you can book everything in advance to avoid confusion and spending more. When planning to move, packing can be one of the most time and energy-consuming. And if you don’t move often, you might find it hard to create a system.
So if you need some packing tips before you move, don’t hesitate to check the list below!
1. Time to declutter
Do you remember how many times you’ve rescheduled decluttering? Well, this time, you don’t have a choice but to do it! You can still postpone decluttering, but imagine the nightmare of packing and unpacking the things you’re not even sure you still need.
So before you get all lazy and become a hoarder, think about having a fresh start in your new home with just the essential things from the past. As for the things you don’t need anymore, you can always find a better replacement, like decorations and displays.
When decluttering, the main trick is to have three separate boxes and label them with a toss, keep, and donate. Then, pick an item and decide which box it belongs to within 10 seconds. That way, you won’t have to waste a lot of time.
2. Create a checklist
Done with decluttering? The next step is to create a checklist. Of course, a checklist is necessary since you have a lot of things to do before the truck arrives.
The main things you need to include in your checklist are:
- Decluttering
- Packing
- Arranging documents
- Hiring movers
- Checking every corner of the house before leaving
But aside from that, it’s also helpful if you can create a complete inventory of your things. That way, there’s nothing to worry about when loading things in the truck. Besides, it would be weird to open boxes again to see if you’ve packed your favourite lamp.
3. Get packing supplies and label them accordingly
As someone who doesn’t move often, you might not have enough supplies to cover all the packing you’re about to do. However, there are options to help you save money from buying packing stuff.
One option is to ask your family and friends if they have used boxes to fit some of your stuff. Aside from that, you can also ask if they have spare scissors and a label maker so that you won’t have to buy any more.
Meanwhile, the other packing supplies you need are tape, plastic bags, markers, and bubble wrap. When packing, use towels, socks, and other small clothes to fill empty spaces inside the boxes. That way, you’ll be able to pack the small clothes while securing the big things.
In addition, ensure to label the boxes correctly, either per room or use.
4. Group things according to categories
Do you think you can pack things in just a snap of a finger? Well, as much as it’s tempting to finish them all in an hour, you’ll be going to need more time than that.
So to avoid getting frustrated about the time you’ll consume for packing, take some time to group things first. That way, you won’t have to walk around the house to get one thing at a time. If the things you need to pack are close to the boxes, you can finish packing in a certain time.
Another way to pack as if nothing’s happening is to pack one box or room at a time. For instance, if there’s a room in your house that’s not as busy as the others, you can start packing the things in there ahead of the others.
5. Start with the heavy stuff
When you pack, start with the heavy stuff. Put them at the bottom of the boxes, so it’s easier to lift. It depends if you hire movers, but if you don’t, try to scatter the heavy stuff at the bottom of different boxes.
On the other hand, if the heavy stuff has delicate parts like a mirror, try to pack them with other delicate stuff. Moreover, don’t forget to label it fragile.
Similarly, when loading the boxes in the truck, don’t forget loading the heavy ones first. It’s secure to do it that way, and can prevent damaging fragile stuff.
6. Keep the essentials with you
When thinking about the essentials, ask yourself the things you immediately need once you reach your new home. Although display homes usually don’t require renovations, and you could easily settle in, it might take some time before you can pack all your stuff.
So even before packing them, put a designated box for all your essentials. These essentials may include your gadgets, keys, moving documents, and other things that you can’t last a day without.
When you gradually achieve your goals in life, things can be overwhelming. The changes you encounter every day can be something you didn’t expect. However, if you think about it, years ago you wished for wherever you are today. For instance, you’ve always wanted to purchase the display home you always see, now it’s yours.
After officially moving from the old home to the new one, it’s the time schedule for unpacking. However, before anything else, just enjoy the time and feeling of having a new home. Also, let us know your thoughts about buying display homes, and share some tips about moving and packing by leaving a comment below!
Aliana Baraquio writes for Worthington Homes, the new Home Builder in Sydney NSW who makes major life milestones happen, and stays with you through thick and thin. You can also find her trying out new recipes for barbeque and other grilled meals in her free time.