Introduction: What is Krampus?
Krampus is a fictional character that is mainly associated with Christmas celebrations in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, and Switzerland. The name “Krampus” comes from the Old High German word “krambōs”, which means “claw”. Krampus Mythology have been around for many centuries and overtime became one of the main festivities during Winter.
In many countries, Krampus is depicted as being half-goat, half-demon. He has horns on his head and carries a switch or rod to punish misbehaving children. Krampus usually appears at night to drag away naughty children while they are sleeping in their beds and take them back to the underworld. Krampus was originally depicted as an evil demon but has evolved into an anti-hero figure in recent years with his appearance now resembling more of a demonic Santa Claus than an evil demon.
Ways Krampus Was Influenced by Christianity
Krampus is a mythological figure that can be found in many cultures around the world, but he has been most prominently associated with Christianity in Germany. Krampus started out as a pagan god and had more like evil connotation that was in line with its scary appearance, but with the passage of time it turned into a demon in German Folklore in 16th century, when Christmas celebrations became more popular among people.
However, over the centuries character has been influenced by Christianity in several ways. The most notable way was when he became a part of Christmas lore. It also included changes in his appearance, as well as his function in society – Krampus became more Christianized, which means that it has evolved to become more like Santa Claus, with a few twists, such as wearing a horned mask and carrying chains. His role wasn’t only to punish naughty children anymore, but to reward the good ones. Besides, people started to portray him as a Santa Claus helper, often portraying Krampus next to the Santa Claus during Christmas.
What are the Current Practices for Christmas Carols and Prayers in Germany?
Christmas in Germany is a mix of both traditional and modern celebrations. The Christmas Eve is still celebrated with the traditional Christmas Carols, but the Christmas Day and the New Year’s Eve are more modern.
The first Christmas Carols were composed at least by 12th century. They were originally sung by wandering minstrels who would sing them while they traveled from home to home. German Christmas carols are traditionally sung during the Christmas season. The most popular ones include “Stille Nacht” (Silent Night) and “Oh du fröhliche” (O Come, All Ye Faithful).
The traditions of German Christmas carols are a part of the culture in Germany. Although many people in Germany believe that these traditional songs have been passed down from generation to generation, it is not true. The first known mention of German Christmas carols was by Martin Luther in 1523. These songs were composed by Luther himself and used to be sung during his sermons on Christmas Eve.
Many people take part in traditional celebrations such as decorating their homes with lights and wreaths, exchanging gifts, attending church services, and singing Christmas songs during this time.
There are several pagan celebrations that include Krampus as the main character and is part of the Christmas celebrations:
Krampusnacht – is an annual German festival that is celebrated on the evening of December 5. It is a day when children are reminded to be good and behave themselves by receiving gifts from Krampus, the anti-Santa Claus figure. Krampusnacht has been celebrated in Austria and Germany since the 16th century. The tradition has spread across Europe and North America, with some countries having their own variations of the event. In Austria, people dress up as Krampus and visit houses to scare children into behaving during Christmas Eve. In Bavaria, a similar tradition called Heidnageln is celebrated on December 6 where people dress up as Krampus and visit homes to give out presents instead of scaring children.
Perchtenlauf – is a traditional German festival that takes place on the first Saturday in December. It is celebrated by people going around their neighborhoods, knocking on doors and singing songs. The Perchtenlauf has been celebrated for centuries, but it wasn’t until the 20th century that it became a popular event in the city of Munich. The Perchtenlauf is one of those events that are so deeply rooted in Bavarian culture and history, that many people can’t imagine celebrating without it.
How Can You Attend the Celebrations?
Krampus celebrations are typically held on December 5th and 6th, though some regions have their own variations of the celebration. The festivities are meant to be a time for children to be naughty, but with a healthy dose of Christmas cheer. There’s no official dress code for Krampus celebrations, but it’s not uncommon for people to wear festive costumes or masks.
Even though Krampus celebrations take place in many countries outside the Europe, the continent still remains to be home of the character and celebrations are larger. Before travelling to Europe for Krampus celebrations you will need several things to take care of:
- Look for affordable tickets and accommodation. Remember, sooner you book, cheaper prices you get.
- Prepare documents for your ETIAS Visa.
- Do a little research about country’s culture, customs and festivities. Alternatively, you can create your own to do list and follow it.
- Choose an outfit for the celebrations.
- Enjoy it!