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Growth of Advertising in Pakistan

Pakistan’s advertising industry is sometimes chastised or dismissed for its lack of innovation and willingness to take innovative risks. For many advertising agencies, however, this broad view is slowly but steadily fading. With each passing year, a new wave of innovative ideas emerges, with marketers opting to go above and beyond, particularly in an era where customer trust is paramount. However, in the eyes of many top businesses, tried and tested methodologies still reign supreme, bolstered by conservative marketing services. While it may be true in certain circumstances not to radically alter the brand identity, consistent alignment combined with new ideas may always provide a breath of fresh air in a crowded market.

Evolution of advertising

In Pakistan, the growth and evolution of advertising have been remarkable. In only sixty-four years, that started with less than $1000 and has grown to several billion dollars. The business has gone through many stages of development throughout time. These periods may be classified according to the country’s primary socio-political circumstances.

1st phase

The first era (1947–1964) is marked by a small number of advertising agencies when very few businesses used the right techniques; their reach was limited to primarily urban geographic areas; their medium was limited to print ads; and eventually, radio emerged as a new promising advertising medium.

2nd Phase

The Second Period (1964–1988) The arrival of television stations resulted in a significant shift in traditional advertising methods. The new visual messaging services seemed to be a more appealing and efficient means of communication and hence more advertising agencies came into the business.

3rd Phase

The Third Period (1978–1988) The old advertising beliefs were replaced by new ones. It was a vintage period because of the color television broadcast and classical jingles. As a result, many creative agencies came into being.

4th Phase

Fourth Era (1988–1998) New visual technologies were under practice to enable the limited time frame concepts throughout.

5th Phase

The Fifth Era (from 1998 to 2008) Modern advertising and visual effects were in use during the golden period. With skill and manpower, the industry grew 500 times and advertising agencies started to get even more business.

6th Phase

The sixth era (2008–2010) The glamourous age was famous for its animations, Indian production, and Indian celebrities. Low funded industry resulted in creating poor advertising agencies which produced low-rate and below-par commercials throughout the 2008 global crisis.

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Rise of Social Media in Pakistan’s Advertising Industry

Recently, social media has altered our perspective of the world. In Pakistan, for example, Facebook has grown from 11 million active users to 34 million in just four years. People’s attitudes toward social media have changed as well. They no longer use the internet to communicate with family and friends; instead, they use it to express themselves about anything and everything. It has also altered how we perceive and interact with the world and the communities in which we live, as well as how consumers behave online.

Redefining Social Media

In the last several decades, social media has advanced tenfold. What began as a simple connection with people has grown into a digital ecosystem. advertisers and marketers all around the world use these platforms. Not only that, but social media has made it possible to meet unfulfilled needs with a few clicks. But saying it is easier than doing it. Marketing techniques have seen a significant transformation since 2019.

The virality era has arrived in Pakistan, due to rising social media use, smartphone proliferation, and quicker internet access to 3G/4G. While the power of social media has enabled ordinary people to express themselves via applications like TikTok and Instagram, it has also become a great tool for advertising. Features like Insta reels, Youtube Shorts, Tiktok, and Google ads play a significant role in increasing the reach of your desired product. In short, if used correctly and intelligently, the advertising industry can fuel marketing services to a great deal.

Digital Marketing in Pakistan

Digital Marketing algorithms and trends are always changing. Hiring a creative agency like Creative Junction to stay up with trends is the safest thing a company in Pakistan can do. Once you’ve joined us, our staff will keep an eye on marketing trends and help you capitalize on them. And, before you assume that every agency does this, keep in mind that not everyone can assist you to win.

From a perspective standpoint, it seems like Pakistan’s advertising business is genuinely up for grabs for firms willing to take a risky non-traditional route. Pakistan, although still lagging behind the rest of the globe, is showing signs of progress, as the examples above demonstrate. Technology is redefining the definition of conventional advertising.

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