Sneak Peek 3D/4D Ultrasound – Fetal imaging (also known as photography) has been around since the 1950s, and the technology has certainly come a long way! Today, families can get an up-close look at their babies before they’re even born by scheduling an appointment with one of our certified sonographers to perform a peek at me ultrasound at 16 weeks!
What is a 3D ultrasound?
3D ultrasound is the next best thing to being able to hold your unborn child in your arms. 3D ultrasound takes advantage of cutting-edge technology and offers parents an extraordinary view of their new family member from all angles. As the uterus expands, it pushes on the stomach and chest, which creates shadows that make the fetus seem like he or she is floating inside a virtual womb that’s created by 3D ultrasound imaging software. The images are so real that they’re often mistaken for photos or videos of a full-term pregnancy.
What do I get with a traditional 2D ultrasound?
A traditional 2D ultrasound is an ultrasound where only the surface of the body is examined, and it’s ideal for babies that are too young for more detailed imaging. During the procedure, the technician or doctor will use an ultrasound transducer (the size of a notepad) that emits sound waves and picks up echoes from inside your uterus. The sound waves travel through the amniotic fluid and reflect off parts of your baby’s body back to the transducer, which creates an image on a computer screen that resembles what you would see if you were looking through the water with sunlight shining on it. This image allows you to get some idea of what position your baby is in and how large he or she is.
What do 3D & 4D stand for?
3D ultrasound and 4D ultrasound stand for three-dimensional and four-dimensional ultrasound respectively. A 3D ultrasound is captured on two 2D images, one taken from the right side of the mother’s abdomen and one taken from the left side of her abdomen. A 4D ultrasound is captured on a series of 2-second video clips which are then compiled together into one movie that captures the moments as they happen. It’s like seeing life come to life before your eyes. Seeing your little ones’ heads, bodies, hands, and feet gives you an instant connection with them.
It’s also so much easier to remember what they look like when they’re still growing inside their mommy when there are pictures or videos to remind you every day.
Watching them smile or hearing their first cry will be priceless memories we’ll share forever. And if something does go wrong during my pregnancy I’ll have these beautiful memories too so I can always remember them how they were meant to be seen…happy and alive.
How accurate are ultrasounds?
Ultrasound is a safe and painless way to get an up-close look at your baby, even before he or she is born. Ultrasound technology has been around for nearly 60 years, but today it’s more advanced than ever, with 4D and HD (high definition) options that provide the clearest pictures ever seen of your little one. The best part about having an ultrasound is that it can be done at any time during pregnancy, including weeks before your due date if there are any concerns about the health of you or the baby. And because it’s non-invasive and doesn’t use radiation as traditional x-rays do, there are no known harmful effects on mom or baby from this form of imaging.
How will I know if I am having a boy or a girl?
There are lots of ways to find out the gender of your unborn baby, but genetic testing for gender is one of the most popular methods. Genetic testing for gender is done by taking a blood sample from the mother and sending it to a lab that specializes in genetics testing for gender. The lab will then use DNA from the fetus (which they get from the mother’s blood) and run an analysis on it that determines if it has an X or Y chromosome – with XX being female and XY being male. Once they know what kind of chromosome your unborn baby has, they can tell you whether it is female or male, which will help you make preparations before birth based on what sex your child is going to be!
Is there anything else I should do before coming in for an appointment?
Here are some important things to remember before coming in for an appointment:
-You will be asked to sign a consent form that gives permission for the ultrasound technician and/or physician to touch or move your belly, legs, and arms during the examination. This is necessary so that we can position you correctly on the table and cover any area that may show us more of what we want to look at. -Please wear something comfortable, such as sweatpants and a t-shirt, or a bra and underwear with loose-fitting clothes over them (no tight jeans). This will make it easier for the ultrasound technician to conduct the exam and obtain accurate images of your baby’s body parts.
When can I have an appointment?
Typically, you can come in for an appointment any time after 10 weeks of pregnancy (or as early as eight weeks if there are medical concerns). Appointments are usually about 30 minutes long, but the duration may vary depending on the health of your baby and how much time is needed for various measurements and photos. You will be able to see, hear and feel your baby moving inside of you during the ultrasound, which is very reassuring. The ultrasound technician will use a wand-like device called a transducer that emits sound waves, which bounce off the developing fetus and produce images on a computer screen that are then translated into cross-section diagrams or three-dimensional models.
Where is MammaBella located?
MammaBella is located on 4th Street between the I-94 and Highway 36 just south of Birchwood Ave and north of Dixie Ave. We are next to Fridley Park, which has been beautifully renovated with new playground equipment, landscaping, picnic tables, and other amenities for the community. Our address is 1202 4th Street NE, Fridley MN 55432.
MammaBella works very closely with local obstetricians and family doctors in order to provide comprehensive care for all pregnant women from conception through delivery.
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