If you are about to install a paver tray system, you have to know what to prepare before beginning. This article will provide tips on materials, installation methods, and maintenance. After reading this article, you should be prepared to install your paver tray system without a hitch. This article is written with the help of industry professionals who have been in the business for a long time. However, it is meant for both amateurs and professionals.
Preparation for paver tray system installation
For a smooth finish, preparation for paver tray system installation is key. Ensure that your road base is compacted to 95% of its original level. Also, rebar should be inserted into the base for support and longevity. The bedding layer should not be compacted to 100% of its original level, as loose sand will be forced up between the pavers during the final compaction process.
Whether you’re installing a self-supporting or traditional pedestal support system, preparing your surface properly is essential. Paver pedestals can be either concrete, clay, or brick surface. When installing a paver tray system on a concrete foundation, it’s important to level the surface before setting the pavers. Paver pedestals come in various colors, shapes, and textures, so they’re a great way to add a personalized touch to your home.
Paver trays have several installation methods. For example, they may include a layer of expanded foam cell insulation or other insulating material. Other methods include installing the tray onto one or more pedestals. A cable may be routed through the supportive structure to heat the paver top. These methods are advantageous for a variety of reasons. Once the tray is installed, it is ready to be used to construct a patio or deck.
The plastic trays are used as a template for laying the pattern. However, these systems are labor-intensive and require multiple plastic trays. Besides, cutting pavers to fit the trays is difficult, and you may end up with gaps and large spaces between trays. It can make your paver deck or patio look unprofessional. The other method is to purchase a paver tray installation kit.
There are several steps involved in installing a paver tray system. The first step is to measure the height of your deck and determine the correct amount of shims. The height of your deck is important to keep in mind because the tray must fit within the dimensions of your base. You can purchase a standard or customized tray based on the height of your deck. For example, if the height of your deck is five feet, you will need to purchase a pedestal four feet in diameter.
A paver support system can be installed to prevent the tile from moving or collapsing. The system supports tiles with different thicknesses and compensates for up to five percent sloped surfaces. It also allows you to install pavers of different thicknesses. The system also includes a drainage and ventilation system. Paver tray systems are not only aesthetically pleasing but are functional as well. Paver support systems provide a strong, secure foundation for a beautiful paver system.
If you’ve chosen a paver tray system for your new patio, you might be wondering what kind of maintenance is necessary. The truth is, paver tray maintenance is fairly straightforward. All you need are some simple tools and materials and some labor. Before you start, make sure your paver tray system is leveled. If it is not, you may need to add a shim to the trays.