If you’re staying in a coimbatore girls hostel, you’ve probably heard about its infamous rumours. Rumours abound about the girls’ extravagant spending habits and the extensive barter system. Rumors also abound about certain girls who always seem to ask for other people’s things. Similarly, Maggi parties are extremely common, and they’re overseen by an unnamed committee. Here are the most common ones:
Keeping the area clean and hygienic
The environment at a girls hostel is very important for students. In addition to providing a clean environment, it is also essential for the girls to learn proper hygiene. Girls who live in a hostel are often unable to attend school or college because of poor sanitation and hygiene. Flies may also infest the inn and contaminate food if left unattended. This can cause illness to students.
Students who live in staying may be exposed to various contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria. Often, there are not enough toilets and washing materials available. Some hostels are even overcrowded, with more than 200 people sharing four toilets. Students’ health is negatively affected by poor sanitation, and it can affect their attendance. Therefore, ensuring hygienic conditions in a hostel is important for a hostel to attract more students.
Disciplinary action for damage to hostel property
In order to avoid disciplinary action, students should refrain from damaging hostel property. Infringing on the property of the hostel is punishable by expulsion from the hostel and college. Also, they should refrain from playing loud music or writing obscene graffiti on the walls. Damage to lodging property will be paid by all boarders. Moreover, students should not burn or damage fire crackers inside the hostel. Disciplinary action against students who cause damage to hostel property will be equally harsh.
Damage to hostel property is a major cause of disciplinary action. It will result in a fine or damages being charged against the resident. Residents are also not permitted to keep private servants in the hostel. Furthermore, furniture and dining room utensils must remain in their designated places. The hostel must have a team of Monitors, appointed by the Provost on the recommendation of the Warden, who will enforce the rules and discipline of the hostel. Moreover, the monitors should be senior students to ensure that the hostel is run smoothly.
Proxy or dummy room-mates
Do you have a friend in your hostel, but would prefer not to share a room? There are a few rules you should follow when sharing a room in a girls hostel, and a proxy or dummy room-mate is not a good idea. You should also avoid using unauthorized electric appliances and cooking. Besides, you must follow the timings of the hostel to avoid any trouble.
Home sickness
For thousands of college students, the first day of their new residence in a college dormitory can bring with it the pang of homesickness. But home isn’t a physical place. It is a way of life and a place where our hearts yearn to be. While homesickness is perfectly normal, it shouldn’t grow on you. Here are some things to keep in mind. Here, we’ll look at some of the symptoms of homesickness so that you can recognize the signs of the condition.
The first thing you need to do is explain your reasoning. Many parents send their children away to a girls’ hostel without explaining the purpose behind it. Explain why it’s important for them to study and to succeed, so that they will feel less homesick. You can also visit them regularly or even talk on the phone. If possible, try to stay in touch with them by sending them postcards or photos. Even if you can’t do this, a regular phone call will help them feel better about their situation.
Discrimination against female students
The NESHW provost has been accused of racial discrimination and threatening the hostel girls. The students were angry and said that the mess workers’ contract was due to expire on May 31. This would leave 13 students homeless and the workers without a job. This has caused a backlash against the administration and the students. Regardless of the provost’s intentions, the girls have been left in a difficult position.
The PU Syndicate has approved new guidelines for the hostels. While the wardens are accountable to the university and the parents of girls, they must remember that the hostel is not a school. In fact, it is the college that provides students with their first introduction to adulthood. Incorporating gender specific restrictions ln womens hostel at this stage would imbue frustration, annoyance, and helplessness and reinforce patriarchal social norms.