In a recent update, Arcana was added to Vampire Survivors, and there are a few cool builds that players should try that use them.
In a recent update, arcanas were added to Vampire Survivors so that the player could change the rules of the game in small but interesting ways. So far, most of these Arcanas are about making weapons better in new ways, but there are a few that make other parts of the game better. For example, the Awake Aracana gives the player three more Resurrections and makes the character stronger each time it is used.
The great thing about these Arcanas is that they give the player more choices when putting together a build. When the right combination of Arcanas is used, weapons that aren’t that powerful become very powerful.

Since the merchant and those oh-so-tempting golden eggs were added, the Golden build has become a little more important (for 10,000 gold). For this build to work well, you need the Big Trouser character, but any character with a high Greed bonus will work.
The first arcana in this build should be Disco of Gold. You need the Clover, Spinach, Tiragisu, Empty Tome, Attractorb, Stone Mask, and Greatest Jubilee, Lightning Ring, and Phieraggi weapons. Turn on limit breaking and work on making Phieraggi as fast as possible.
Gemini Build

When you put Cosmo and the Gemini card together, you get some interesting results. Peachone and Ebony Wings, two weapons, are given to Cosmo for free. These don’t count toward Cosmo’s maximum number of weapons, and he can still get Peachone and Ebony Wings while playing. Peachone and Ebony Wings are also given twice by Gemini. Cosmo can now have three pairs of Peachone and Ebony Wings even though he only has two weapon slots.
Due to the Gemini arcana, Gatti Amari is a good weapon to use with the birds. The only passive item you have to have is the Stone Mask (for Gatti Amari).
Maximized Area

When used with either Minnah or Concetta, this build takes advantage of the effects of the Boogaloo of Illusions arcana. This will let the player spread out their weapons as much as possible. When the run is over, which will probably be after 30 minutes, the player’s projectile should fill the whole screen.
The Axe, Whip, Fire Wand, and Song of Mana are the best weapons to use with this build. This build is also a good choice for the Garlic and Santa Water. The Candelabrador, Silver Ring, and Torrona’s Box are all required passive items. The player can choose what to put in the other three slots.
Gem Explosion

Game Killer is one of the new arcanas in the game. With this arcana, the experience gems can be used as weapons. The character can’t gain experience, so it’s better to wait until the second option to acquire this arcana. Since you never gain experience, the gem projectiles do a lot of damage to make up for it.
Beautiful Moon is the best weapon to use with Game Killer (Pentagram). This will kill every enemy on the screen and then act as a vacuum to bring gems to the screen.
Magnet Build

Blood Astronomia is the last arcana in Vampire Survivors. It makes a damaging area around the player that is the same size as the player’s Magnet radius. This is one of the game’s best arcanas. Garlic, Song of Mana, Pentagram, Clock Lancet, and Laurel are the weapons in this build. The Attractorb and Duplicator items that don’t do anything should also be chosen.
The Out of Bounds arcana makes this build even stronger. This gives the Clock Lancet a lot more power than it should have. This build works best with Poe or any character who gives you more projectiles, like Cavallo or Ambrojoe.
The Immortal Devil

This build gives the player the most Revives possible in Vampire Survivors. This almost guarantees that the player will make it to the 30-minute mark of any stage. Only three parts of this build are required. The first part is a person named Krochi. The passive bonus of this character gives you two free Revives.
If you put Krochi and the Awake Arcana together, he will get three more Revives. The Tiragisu accessory is the last part of this build. It gives two Revives. When this build is finished, the player will have seven Resurrections. If the Resurrection power-up is bought, this number can be raised to eight. This doesn’t make sure that you’ll win, but it definitely tips the scales in your favor.
Dommario In The Dark Night

Chaos in the Dark Night Arcana changes how fast the character’s attacks move. This change can go from -50% to +200%, so the average bonus will be +75%. Every ten seconds, this effect starts over, giving a different speed boost to projectiles. Not all weapons ignore the speed bonuses of other weapons. So, this is a very useful Arcana.
The character in this build is Dommario. This build also works with Pasqualina, but her passive bonus to the speed of projectiles is lower than Dommario’s. The weapons in this build are King Bible (Dommario’s starting weapon), Runetracer, Magic Wand, Axe, Santa Water, and Laurel. The only reason the Laurel is there is to protect Dommario, who moves slowly. The only item you need for this build is the Bracer. This gives the projectiles even more speed and makes up for the Arcana’s drawback.
Soul Eater’s Delight

Poe doesn’t seem to be used enough in Vampire Survivors. His first weapon, Garlic, is nice, but it’s not very strong. As time gets closer to 30 minutes, the Garlic weapon becomes less and less useful. Garlic becoming the Soul Eater is a huge improvement, but it’s still not as strong as it could be.
The Sarabande of Healing Arcana doubles healing and does as much damage to nearby enemies as the healing it does. This works with the Soul Eater and the Bloody Tear weapons (evolved Whip). As soon as possible, the player should get the Whip and evolve both the Garlic and the Whip.
Immolating Arca

Heart of Fire is an arcana that makes the fireballs from the Fire Wand and Hellfire weapons explode when they hit their target. When a character takes damage, this Arcana makes an explosion happen in the middle of them. This doesn’t hurt the person. This makes the Fire Wand a more reliable weapon.
This build uses Arca as the character because the Fire Wand is the first thing he gets. Song of Mana and Magic Wand are the other main weapons, but the goal should be to evolve the Fire Wand. Arce shortens the time it takes for his weapons to be ready to use again. Get the Empty Tome item to cut weapon cooldown times even more. You should use the Canelabrador add-on to make the fireballs as big as possible.
Poppea’s Painting

Poppea is one of the best characters to use most of the time. Her passive ability increases the length of time a weapon lasts by 1% per level, with no cap. By the end of a stage, the length of time her weapons last is ridiculous. This build is made to get the most out of weapons with longer durations.
The Lost & Found Painting Arcana changes how long weapons last by between -50% and +200%. Every ten seconds, this starts over. Song of Mana, which is Poppea’s starting weapon, King Bible, Santa Water, Runetracer, Clock Lancet, and Phieraggi are the weapons in this build. Spellbinder, Empty Tome, Bracer, Skull O’Maniac, Duplicator, and Attractorb are the most important items.
Iron Will Of Gennaro

Gennaro is probably the character that is played the least. His passive bonus is that it adds one more projectile to his weapon. There are now four characters that give three more projectiles. On top of that, Gennaro starts with the Knife, which is the worst weapon.
Players have a reason to choose Gennaro if they have the Iron Blue Will Arcana. This Arcana makes the Knife/Thousand Edge, Axe/Death Sprial, Phiera Der Tuphello, Eight The Sparrow, and Carréllo’s projectiles bounce up to three times and possibly go through enemies. All of these weapons should be chosen, and you shouldn’t make the Phieraggi by putting together the Phiera Der Tuphello and the Eight The Sparrow. If the player is given the chance, the Duplicator, Bracer, and Spinach should be chosen.
Waltz Of Wands

Even without the Waltz of Pearls Arcana, this build is crazy strong. It might be one of the best builds in Happy Wheels game if it has it. The Waltz of Pearls Arcana makes the Magic Wand/Holy Wand, Fire Wand/Hellfire, Cross/Heaven Sword, and Carello projectiles bounce up to three times.
The character in this build is Leda. This build is a little too strong from the start because Leda starts with the Holy Wand. The Magic Wand, Fire Wand, Cross, Runetracer, and King Bible are the other weapons in this build. Both the Holy Wand and the Magic Wand are available to Leda. Empty Tome, Spinach, Cross, Armor, Spellbinder, and Attractorb are the items.
Antonio The Slasher

In this build, two Arcanas are used. You can have three, but the second and third ones are picked at random from three Arcanas. There aren’t that many Arcanas, so the player is likely to get both the Slash and the Sarabande of Healing. The Knife/Thousand Edge, Whip/Blood Tear, Axe/Death Spiral, and Heaven Sword can all get critical hits with the Slash Arcana. Also, critical hits do twice as much damage.
This build uses Antonio, who is another character who doesn’t get enough use. The Whip, Garlic, Cross, Axe, Santa Water, and Song of Mana are all used in this build. The Empty Heart, Clover, Attractor, Spinach, Pummarola, and Candelabrador. With this build, it will be just as easy to beat the powerful enemies that show up in the last few minutes as it was to beat the weaker enemies in the first few minutes.
The Lightshow

This build is not only very good at what it does, but it’s also very beautiful. This build also needs two Arcanas: Chaos in the Dark Night and Waltz of Pearls. When these two Arcanas are used together with the right build, only bosses will ever get close to the character.
You can use both Mortaccio and Cavallo with this build. The player should choose the Runetracer, Magic Wand, Fire Wand, Cross, and Lightning Ring in addition to the Bone or Cherry Bomb. This build needs Armor, an Empty Tome, Spinach, a Clover, a Duplicator, and a Bracer. When all of the weapons have reached the highest level, the player can put down the controller and watch the light show. Just keep an eye out for your boss.
La Borra Ultima

La Borra, the upgraded version of Santa Water, is easily one of the top three best weapons in Vampire Survivors. The effects of this weapon can be changed to make it much stronger than it already is. This build uses three Arcana to make an unstoppable build for the character.
This build uses Chaos in the Dark Night, Lost & Found Painting, and Slash as its Arcanas. Poppea, Lama, Porta, and Dommario are the best characters for this build. The player should try to get the Santa Water, King Bible, Cross, Axe, and Laurel as their main weapons. Accessories that must be used are the Attractorb, Spellbinder, Bracer, Clover, Candelabrador, and Empty Tome. Most enemies will be killed instantly by the La Borra’s overlapping zones, and in this build, these zones can grow to cover most of the screen.
On December 17, 2021, Vampire Survivors came out for both the PC and the macOS.