What are the top Angular features? I’m sure you’ve heard this question before, especially if you’re following the Angular community and have been doing your research on this front-end framework by Google.
There are many top Angular Development Companies in India that you can hire to develop your project. India is a global hotspot for software development and the cost of hiring a team is much lower than in other countries. If you’ve yet to jump onto the Angular bandwagon and want to get started with it, I want to help you out with a list of 10 top Angular features you must know about when building an Angular app.
Here Are the 10 Top Angular Features in 2023
1. Cross-platform
Cross-platform compatibility is a huge feature of Angular. This means that you can create applications using the same code base, and have them run on both Android and iOS devices. This also applies to desktop operating systems like Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and more. In addition, Angular allows you to use the same code in server-side web applications too.
2. Efficient MVC architecture
Efficient MVC architecture is one of the most important features of Angular. The MVC stands for Model View Controller and it is a design pattern that allows for separation of the application’s data representation from the user interface. The MVC approach also means that your code will be cleaner and easier to maintain in the future. It’s an efficient way to build web applications.
Another benefit of using this type of architecture is that you can implement new features more easily, without having to touch old code. An Angular developer should have experience with building apps using this kind of structure, which will make them perfect for any job opportunities you may come across!
3. Sectional structure
Sectional structure is a group of pages, based on a common theme or content. The idea of sections originated in the printed media world and was later introduced to the web. Sectional structure is used to create a well-organized website that is easy to navigate. It allows you to organize your content in a way that can be easily understood by users, increasing their satisfaction and usability of your site. Use sections to enhance user experience and increase site conversion rates.
Sections help break up large chunks of text with smaller, more digestible bits. By creating manageable chunks for the reader it becomes easier for them to process what they are reading and easier for them to find information they want. Hire angularjs developers in India today!
4. The eminence of Angular CLI
Angular CLI is a command line tool which facilitates the development of an Angular project. It’s a great tool to have in your developer arsenal because it can greatly reduce the amount of time you spend on mundane tasks, like scaffolding projects and generating components. Angular CLI has a lot of other features that can help with development such as making code changes, running unit tests, publishing builds and more.
For example, when running ng new , the defaults include everything needed for a basic application but are also customizable by providing flags to suit different scenarios. When compiling applications into production-ready packages with npm run build , Angular CLI also takes care of AOT (ahead-of-time) compilation so that users don’t need webpack or any other module bundler to support AOT out of the box.
5. Data binding
Data binding is one of the more popular features that Angular offers. This feature allows for two-way data binding, meaning that any changes made to the source will update the target, and vice versa. Data binding also simplifies event handling by automatically updating the target when an event is triggered on the source. For example, if a user clicks a button in an HTML page, it can trigger an event which updates the application state with data from that click.
The app state can be updated to show a message indicating the action taken, or it could change the interface entirely to display a new page. The flexibility of data binding means that developers can work without constantly worrying about whether their changes have actually taken effect.
6. Set of Directives
Directives are a powerful way to transform HTML and give it new meaning. Directives are essentially markers that tell the compiler what to do when it encounters them in your HTML. These can be used to wrap arbitrary elements, modify attributes, trigger events, or set up watchers.
- Modifying Attributes: If you want to add an attribute to an element without breaking any existing code, use the attribute directive – ng-attr.
- Triggered Events: Use ng-click and ng-change directives on input fields for simple binding logic with clicks and change events.
7. Prominence of TypeScript
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. A TypeScript is designed for development of large and complex applications, and provides features such as type checking, interfaces, generics, and inheritance. The typeScript is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript that compiles to standard ECMAScript 3 (ES3) or above. It introduces classes, modules, interfaces, and other important language features.
8. Declarative UI
The Declarative UI is one of the most promising features of the new Angular. The goal is to build a declarative system that will let you use HTML elements as components, and describe how they should behave without worrying about their internal logic. It makes your code more readable and easier to maintain. The ultimate benefit is that the application’s behavior will be re-usable across different platforms like web or mobile apps. And if you are an expert in any other framework like React, you can move to Angular easily because it has a similar syntax.
9. Extensive documentation and support
Angular is one of the most popular and powerful frameworks in the JavaScript world. It’s backed by Google and offers extensive documentation and support. The Angular team has also done a great job of keeping the framework up to date with modern features, like improved mobile support and offline capabilities, as well as incorporating design principles from other languages like TypeScript.
In fact, some feel that the TypeScript language is actually more suited for building large-scale apps than JavaScript itself. With so many benefits on offer, it’s no surprise that so many companies rely on Angular for their software development needs.
10. The prowess of Ivy Renderer
The Ivy Renderer is a new renderer that was designed to be more efficient and lighter weight than the current default option in Angular, the Chrome Renderer. It uses a technique called tree-shaking to strip out unused code from your application, which will help make your applications smaller and faster.
The ability of Ivy to support Ahead of Time (AOT) compilation will allow for developers to compile their applications at build time, instead of running it on runtime like how the Chrome Renderer does.
We’ve seen how much better the performance of this rendering engine is compared with the current one and how it can help make applications smaller by stripping away any unnecessary code or data. But what about Angular itself? What has changed in this release?
Angular.js is an open-source, front-end web application framework that’s built on top of HTML, JavaScript and CSS. It’s used to build single page applications for the internet as well as for mobile apps. In conclusion, Angular is a feature-rich framework for building powerful web applications.
It is both easy to learn and deploy which makes it the perfect tool for developers who are constantly striving to take their skills to the next level. That concludes our list of the top 10 features that you must know about Angular.js. Hire angular.js developers in India to create your next innovative app for your business!
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